2010年4月15日 星期四



2. 我不需要玫瑰、不需要燭光晚餐、不需要鑽戒、不需要房子、不需要想破頭給我驚喜。但是,我要你愛我,而且要讓我知道。

3. 我愛下廚,希望你愛吃我最的菜和我做的點心。也希望你可以抽空陪我洗洗菜或揉個麵糰。就算你不愛吃我做的菜,也麻煩你說點小謊,並委婉的給我建議。

4. 希望你繼續擁有你的家人和朋友,我會把他們當成我的家人朋友一樣關心並照顧他們。

5. 你當然可以跟你的異性朋友聊天、見面。可是,希望你可以事前告訴我,也不要讓我有誤會的空間。

6. 我會和你分享所有的事,就算你不想知道。但也希望你能與我分享生活,從無聊的工作到你的夢想我都願意去傾聽、去理解,請不要懶的跟我解釋。

7. 不需要你整天陪我,但請讓我知道你很珍惜與我相處的時間。

8. 我不需要你籌劃旅行或活動,我很樂意包辦這一切,也很享受付出的快樂。但請告訴我你的感動。

9. 我不想分手,很痛!也希望你不要輕言放棄。但是,如果你不愛我了,希望你先讓我知道,給我時間離開你。

10. 感情對我來說絕對不是貨比三家,東挑西揀選最好的那個。請記得,因為我愛你,就算你不高不帥、不會甜言蜜語,但對我來說你就是最珍貴的。

11. 我想要有個人,一輩子互相照顧、支持。等到你頭髮白了、皮膚鬆了、走不動了,我還是會摟著你,就像我們剛陷入熱戀一樣,永遠不想放開。等到你痴呆了,什麼都忘了,我會一遍又一遍說著我們以前的故事。我會躺在你身邊、握著你的手、讓你看著我溫暖的微笑,直到你永遠闔上雙眼。

2010年4月12日 星期一





Who forces me to be an egg donor?

The whole thing started at the beginning of the semester.

I didn’t have money to pay the tuition, and people will do anything when they desperately need money. One day I saw a post by a company looking for egg donors. The $8000 compensation sounded like easy money since I only made 10,000 a year back in Taiwan.

I thought, a female lays about 400 eggs in her whole life, and most of them are wasted. If I can get all those eggs fertilized, there will be lots of little Sherry Lins, and probably one or two of them will become another Bill Gates or Hillary Clinton, and I will be very close to ruling the world.

So I followed the poster’s instructions and went on line to fill out a very long form about everything.

My height: 5’2”
My weight: 110 pounds (after I amputate my left leg)
Have twins or other multiple births occurred in your family? No. (The couple wants a child, not a kindergarten)
My hobby: (Ummm…drinking and gossiping) Reading, exercising, and playing piano
Favorite childhood memory: When I prepared a show for my mom for the mother’s day, and she cried, and we hugged. (She threatened to sell me to the circus.)
Why do you want to be an egg donor? Because I am a total altruist (who needs to pay tuition)

That night, I dreamed about my future daughter. She looked racially-mixed, big eyes, very sweet face (didn’t look like me at all). I took her to school and showed her off, and then she disappeared. I rummaged through the whole school but couldn’t find her. Then I woke up with tears in my eyes.

I gave up the idea of donating my eggs. My dream had tested my feelings about egg donation--I would have a baby somewhere in the world, but I could never find her/him.

Couple days later, I got a call from a friend. She donated her eggs successfully and has been introducing other people to the idea because there is a $500 introduction fee. “If you donate your eggs, we can split the $500.” She tried to persuade me and some other friends.

One of her roommate is a beautiful Vietnamese. Because of poor English, she couldn’t find a job in New York, and is now training to be a poker dealer for casinos. My friend persuaded her not to be a dealer because of the complex environment of casinos. She told her, “Why don’t you donate your eggs twice a year, and cover a whole year’s living expenses. And, it is helping people.”

She used the words “donate” and “help” so often that it made me confused about the meanings. If this “donation” is a real act of altruism, why did British women stop donating eggs after the government cut the compensation to £15 ($30)? Why do people stick with the word “donate”? How many egg donors make the decision without hesitation?

And, what forces them to donate eggs for money?

Despite those who want get extra money to buy an LV, most donors are forced to do so because of financial binds. And this situation reminds me of the organ trade in many Asian countries.

In the Philippines, the island Baseco is known as “No Kidney Island”. Three thousand out of 50,000 residents have each sold one of their kidneys to Western patients. And they only got about $2,000 for their non-renewable kidney. Most of these kidney sellers’ economic status actually get worse because of the decline of their health.

Some might argue, “Can you think a better way for them to make money? If you can’t, what is wrong with those desperate people selling their organs?” And, other might argue, “You sell your intelligence and skill to make money, is it so different from selling organs?”

Sure. Under the inevitable logic of capitalism, nothing is unsellable. The only one thing I can do is pray not to be born in a poor family for my next life; if I am, I probably won’t even own my own organs.

I signed an organ donation card years ago, and I am truly willing to donate every organ I have to people who deserve them. I might even donate my eggs someday, but definitely not because I am forced to do so.

2010年4月5日 星期一












2010年4月2日 星期五





如果是自己煮的話,在美國煮牛肉麵比在台灣煮好吃,原因是美國很容易買到beef stock(牛高湯),在台灣很難找到牛高湯。所以在美國煮的牛肉麵味道比較濃厚,美國的牛腱不知道為什麼吃起來也比較嫩一點。也有可能是太難吃到的關係,所以把牛肉麵給美化了也說不定。






1. 水中加以蔥、薑、米酒(另外加不在上述的材料內)川燙牛腱、牛筋。牛筋請先煮個一小時,不然會太硬,而且牛筋會有腥臭味。洗淨

2. 開始用上面的材料了。找個大湯鍋,以3T油爆香蔥、薑、蒜、辣椒。放入花椒油、豆瓣醬、米酒、醬油、糖,炒香。

3. 放入一罐牛高湯、蔬菜高湯塊、牛筋、牛腱、滷包。加水蓋過牛肉再多一些。然後一直煮、維持水在同個高度。

4. 小火煮一小時候,過濾雜質。剩下牛肉和湯繼續煮,煮到很軟大概要三到五小時以上。用悶燒鍋之類的當然比較方便囉!

5. 要吃的時候可以加麵和青菜。
